Assuming they warped from improper storage, e.g. subject to gravitational sag, and not internal flaws, they can creep back to flat by reversing the orientation. Of course, that would take the same amount of time.
The oven trick could work, but I think it needs a higher temperature. I've laminated HDPE (poor man's UHMW, and almost as slick) from flat milk bottle sides, into solid sheets at about 350F. I place the pile between two sheets of 1/4-inch aluminum, with a stack of washers or coins at each corner. The stacks are about 10% greater than the target thickness, to account for cooling shrinkage. I put 20 pounds of lead on the top sheet (because I had that much on hand), heat the whole affair for a couple hours, and let it cool overnight. My niece, a chemical engineer, assures me the increased opaque appearance is not a chemical change.
I wouldn't be able to get away with this if I were married. A married friend of mine gets unlimited grief from washing car parts in the kitchen sink.