Anyone have a source? Neither the two big boxes nor the local paint store carry it.
Kleen Strip works ok, but Hood Bleach 190 from Hood Finishing is the best I have used. It is much more caustic, so more care must be used.
If you are in the DFW area, I will give you some Kleen Strip.
I realize that this is an old thread. But I have been using the Klean-Strip wood bleach and am having trouble finding it now. I Googled wood bleach and ended up with this thread. Read what you had to say about Hood Bleach 190.
Do you still like it better than Klean-Strip?
Does the wood come out as white as when using the Klean-Strip?
Do you use about the same amount of Hood Bleach 190 as you do Klean-Strip?
Is Hood Bleach 190 a Hydrogenproxide type of bleach?
(I had to look it up) The Hood Bleach 190 according to the MSDS is a chemical reaction of %25 potassium Hydroxide and %35 Hydrogen Peroxide, I suspect a much more industrial solution than the Klean Strip , but yes, I am still a big fan of it. You do have to buy it from Hood only as far as I know, but it works real well. (looked it up and it is a %3.0-%7 Sodium Peroxide (lye) and %25-%30 Hydrogen Peroxide). MSDS don't usually lie.
Lye is sodium hydroxide [NaOH] - sodium peroxide is quite a different beast......