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Turning Symposiums online info

Mar 13, 2005
Newville, PA (south of Harrisburg)
I'm trying to make a schedule for all the woodturning sympoisums for next year. I want to have a vendor's booth, need to apply early and here's my problem. First the AAW site doesn't have next years shows so I did a google search. Even if results were for this past year, I just need locations, contacts and months they are scheduled.

A lot of the sites tell you the name of the show, even the accommodations but do NOT say what state they are in. Sure all the local people know where the "Rocky Mt. Symposium" is and where Comfort Inn on Zeal St. is but I don't. The Rocky Mts. cover a big area. The Granite Symposium; I really don't know which is the "Granite" state. I found this on 4 out of 5 sites for large symposiums. Why don't they put their state? On 2 sites, even the "Directions" were no help; take Rt. 22 to exit 35, etc. Now I have to do a mapquest search!

Any webmasters here could tell me. It's terribly difficult to then try to find the club's homepage and an email address then wait to get in touch with the right person.

Help? Suggestions?


Next year's AAW in Portland is listed on the website at


Sorry I can't help you on regional get-togethers, but you can often find info on the AAW site's calendar section. Go to the main site, click on the "news" tab and you'll see the events calendar on the left. There you can pick from either a by date or by region display.

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On that same AAW Symposium page, near the bottom under the heading "Transportation and Accommodations", you'll find an interactive Yahoo map link that shows the hotel locations and contact info of all hotels within a 20 block or so radius of the 2007 venue.

And, might as well go ahead and announce it here…beginning a little later this year, I’ll be taking over as the SWAT (SouthWest Association of Turners) webmaster…I’ll make sure that the directions to the Fall 2007 Symposium are as clear as possible.
Thanks everyone. I did find out all about the national show in Portland, but the AAW doesn't have the regional shows up yet either by region or date.

Ed, you do such a great job with websites, SWAT is lucky to have you. Wish I could afford to have you make a new site for me! By the way, now that the name is now South West, will they be changing locations for their symposiums or will they always be held in the BIG state of TX.

Stacey, the SSS is automatically on my calender, how could I miss that show?

Sean, thanks, that's one of the shows I've been looking for.

Howdy Ruth:
As I recall, SouthWest Association of Turners (SWAT) was so named to include clubs from Texas and the surrounding states: Arizona; New Mexico; Oklahoma; Arkansas; and Louisiana. So far, there are about 18 or 19 clubs in Texas and 2 in Oklahoma that participate. Therefore, I'd be surprised to see a symposium in the near future anywhere except in Texas. They try to have it as centrally located as possible, but expenses usually dictate that they alternate between Temple and Wichita Falls. Where it will be in '07, I don't know. But, you can bet we'll have one and it'll be bigger and better than the last (580 attendees). I look forward to seeing you there again.