john lucas
AAW Forum Expert
John Thought you would find this Interesting.
John has explained things well. I have some experience turning grips out of yoga blocks, which is the same as what you have. Yoga blocks are the cork equivalent of particle board. Natural cork doesn't turn with edged tools very well. Since the blocks are composed of very small particles, the tear out you get is minor compared with natural cork. Edged tools can be used, but abrasives still work well and quickly. The synthetic material is harder and heavier than natural cork, though that probably won't matter in this situation.Interestingly I was about to post some questions about turning cork and i saw this thread.
I have some 4" x 6" thick cork that i want to turn. its not as dense as wine bottle cork. Does anyone have experience with this?
What type of tools? Lathe speed? Any ideas, Photos?