In an effort to aid recovery in the aftermath of the recent terrible tsunami, I am helping Ernie Newman, a friend and expert woodturner and teacher from Australia, (know to most of you!) to obtain (through donations) and ship wood turning equipment and supplies to Samoa. We will pay our own fare to Samoa in February for three weeks to teach production wood turning skills to students of the Beautiful Expressions of Nature Art Academy in Apia, Samoa.
Our goal is to provide sufficient training for them to be able to make items to sell in the gallery and local tourist markets, and future export – thus helping to rebuild their economy. We want to setup an 8 station shop, including tools, supplies, and project kits (pens, etc) to launch this effort.
Here is a link to a news story that describes the significant damage to the people and villages of Samoa
I would appreciate donations to help us obtain the needed equipment and supplies and ship them to Samoa in early December. Times are particularly difficult right now, and I certainly understand if you are unable to. If you have friends that may be interested – please forward this freely.
While money is the preferred donation, new and used tools and supplies are also sought. Due to differences in electric power, we plan to purchase/obtain all power equipment in Australia since they are compatible with Samoa. Of course, if you have power equipment compatible with Samoa (New Zealand) that is very welcome. List attached below.
Expertise in shipping from the US and Australia to Samoa is also needed.
Please contact Ernie or me for methods of contributing money, tools, or supplies and shipping expertise.
My contact info:
Hought Wahl
769 Bayliss Dr
Marietta, Ga 30068
Cell: 770.329.2458
Thanks you so much for your consideration! - Hought
Equipment, tools, supplies: (donations can be sent to me at the above address to arrive by end of November, or to Samoa to arrive by end of January)
Lathes: 8 Jet mini lathes - 1220 with drive center, faceplate, cone center, could be variable speed (must be 240 volt motor!)
Bed extensions - at least one
Lathe stands – wish list – can make
Chucks: 8 (Vicmarc preferred) chucks - (adaptors as needed), dovetail jaws
Additional size/style jaws desired
Tools: 8 sets: roughing gouge, detail gouge, skew chisel, 12mm square scraper, 6mm square scraper, bowl gouge, parting tool, spindle gouge, vernier callipers,
Specialty tools [as many as we can get!):
-hollow form scraper, miscellaneous scrapers, chatter tool, thread chasers, 1mm parting tool, 3mm parting tool, 6mm detail gouge, 6mm skew, Jacobs chucks
-set of drill bits, set of forstener bits, augurs, C callipers, double ended callipers, dividers
-awls, tailstock centres, steady rest, split sleeves
Bandsaw: 14 inch with spare blades (must be 240 volt motor!)
Chainsaws : 2 – 16†and 24†with spare chains for each
Drills: Electric angle drills (8) (must be 240 volt motors!)
Grinder: 6 or 8 inch, variable or slow speed preferred (must be 240 volt motor!)
100 grit wheels
Diamond laps, slipstones- Yes!
Glue: - CA glue (thin, medium, thick), debonder and accelerator
- Aliphatic resin [yellow carpenter’s glue]
Abrasives: - 50-100 metre rolls of J grade [cloth backed or jeans backed] in 120, 150, 180, 240, 320 and 400 - with more 180 and 240 than the others
- 2 and 3 inch Velcro sanding attachments and sanding disks - 120, 150, 180, 240, 320 and 400 grit
- Norton or similar sanding sheets - 120 – 400 grit
- Wet/dry sanding sheets – 600 – 1200 grit
- Micromesh sanding sets 1500 – 12000 grit
Finishing Danish oil, gallons!
Sanding sealer
Blonde shellac flakes
Buffing Beall system or similar
Safety: Face shields, and plastic glasses, dust masks, ear muffs, 8 sets
Pen kits variety of styles, we need as many as we can get! (hundreds!)
Mandrels, bushings
Other project kits all donations sought
Our goal is to provide sufficient training for them to be able to make items to sell in the gallery and local tourist markets, and future export – thus helping to rebuild their economy. We want to setup an 8 station shop, including tools, supplies, and project kits (pens, etc) to launch this effort.
Here is a link to a news story that describes the significant damage to the people and villages of Samoa
I would appreciate donations to help us obtain the needed equipment and supplies and ship them to Samoa in early December. Times are particularly difficult right now, and I certainly understand if you are unable to. If you have friends that may be interested – please forward this freely.
While money is the preferred donation, new and used tools and supplies are also sought. Due to differences in electric power, we plan to purchase/obtain all power equipment in Australia since they are compatible with Samoa. Of course, if you have power equipment compatible with Samoa (New Zealand) that is very welcome. List attached below.
Expertise in shipping from the US and Australia to Samoa is also needed.
Please contact Ernie or me for methods of contributing money, tools, or supplies and shipping expertise.
My contact info:
Hought Wahl
769 Bayliss Dr
Marietta, Ga 30068
Cell: 770.329.2458
Thanks you so much for your consideration! - Hought
Equipment, tools, supplies: (donations can be sent to me at the above address to arrive by end of November, or to Samoa to arrive by end of January)
Lathes: 8 Jet mini lathes - 1220 with drive center, faceplate, cone center, could be variable speed (must be 240 volt motor!)
Bed extensions - at least one
Lathe stands – wish list – can make
Chucks: 8 (Vicmarc preferred) chucks - (adaptors as needed), dovetail jaws
Additional size/style jaws desired
Tools: 8 sets: roughing gouge, detail gouge, skew chisel, 12mm square scraper, 6mm square scraper, bowl gouge, parting tool, spindle gouge, vernier callipers,
Specialty tools [as many as we can get!):
-hollow form scraper, miscellaneous scrapers, chatter tool, thread chasers, 1mm parting tool, 3mm parting tool, 6mm detail gouge, 6mm skew, Jacobs chucks
-set of drill bits, set of forstener bits, augurs, C callipers, double ended callipers, dividers
-awls, tailstock centres, steady rest, split sleeves
Bandsaw: 14 inch with spare blades (must be 240 volt motor!)
Chainsaws : 2 – 16†and 24†with spare chains for each
Drills: Electric angle drills (8) (must be 240 volt motors!)
Grinder: 6 or 8 inch, variable or slow speed preferred (must be 240 volt motor!)
100 grit wheels
Diamond laps, slipstones- Yes!
Glue: - CA glue (thin, medium, thick), debonder and accelerator
- Aliphatic resin [yellow carpenter’s glue]
Abrasives: - 50-100 metre rolls of J grade [cloth backed or jeans backed] in 120, 150, 180, 240, 320 and 400 - with more 180 and 240 than the others
- 2 and 3 inch Velcro sanding attachments and sanding disks - 120, 150, 180, 240, 320 and 400 grit
- Norton or similar sanding sheets - 120 – 400 grit
- Wet/dry sanding sheets – 600 – 1200 grit
- Micromesh sanding sets 1500 – 12000 grit
Finishing Danish oil, gallons!
Sanding sealer
Blonde shellac flakes
Buffing Beall system or similar
Safety: Face shields, and plastic glasses, dust masks, ear muffs, 8 sets
Pen kits variety of styles, we need as many as we can get! (hundreds!)
Mandrels, bushings
Other project kits all donations sought