Thanks to all for your input and suggestions. Sone additional detail in response to your questions below. Amazing how you pros are so willing to take the time to help us newbies. I long for the day when I get to anywhere near your level. THANKS!
Yes, I have a shoulder on the tenon and a dovetail. It is green wood so stopping to tighten now and then is someting I'll try. (Joe, yes tightening with both hex sockets, at least I am now, not sure If I was when I started

) I was figuring I just still had too much weight 8" away from the jaws to support without the tailstock?
Yea, I was looking at the steady rest thread. Good Tip. I'll make one when I get a chance. (As soon as I finish the longworth chuck that has been laying around for 2 weeks waiting to have the grooves routed...)
Mike, Not sure what you mean by:
" Only difference is the edge is 90 degrees to the handle."
The tool edge is obscured by all teh great shavings you are getting in the pic

I think what you mean is what I ended up doing with my flat scraper, I found instead of using straight on and holding on a horizontal angle and cutting with the edge
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I can take off obout 1/32 - 1/16 at a time, slow and exhausting but the most consistent and catch free aproach so far. Can you use your "plunger gouge' with the tailstock still in place, I note a steady rest in your pics.