For the benefit of those of us born before World War II would someone please put into words the following I frequently see on the forums.
Thank you.
Thank you.
(YW You're Welcome)For the benefit of those of us born before World War II would someone please put into words the following I frequently see on the forums.
BTW By The Way
BIL (I don't know this one)
TTFN TaTa For Now
IMHO In My Humble Opinion
Thank you.
While there are a number of abbreviations regarding "humble" opinions, I often find that when someone offers such an opinion, it does not seem very humble. I think that the list of abbreviations is not quite complete if it doesn't also include a few additional abbreviations like IMPO (In My Pompous Opinion). 😀
While there are a number of abbreviations regarding "humble" opinions, I often find that when someone offers such an opinion, it does not seem very humble. I think that the list of abbreviations is not quite complete if it doesn't also include a few additional abbreviations like IMPO (In My Pompous Opinion). 😀
It can also mean In My Honest Opinion, but I agree that the acronym can come off as a bit cocky. (Plus. how often does one offer a dishonest opinion?) 😀
FWIW, ATM = At The Moment.
If you think it's all a modern invention of the texting age, you're very off base.
Vets should know these acronyms 😉
That was one of the 2 that I had in mind. 🙂FWIW, ATM = At The Moment.
BCNU later OM.
..... Creating occasionally useful RF for at least 33 years.....
... and yes, I still remember vacuum tubes and building my own equipment!
Do you fellows (Rob, Bill, +) have a secret handshake???😀Gretch
.... it was reported that in the Titanic disaster, there perished 1,200 souls AND two radio operators.😀
I suppose that you know that "Forever" ended several years ago when the vacuum tubes sold by Radio Shack that were guaranteed forever ... were no longer guaranteed.