I've made a number of tool handles from black pipe. I like the heft, thickness and they are long. However, because I'm on the short side I tend to hold my handles under my arm, close to my ribs. After a few hours, the pipe gets to feeling very hard...too hard.
I've gone to a number of stores trying to find something to fit over them. Lowes has nice tubing buy none fits. The pipe is 3/4 OD. Bought the pipe at Loews so one would expect the tubing to fit but noooooooo.
Suggestions, ideas?
I've gone to a number of stores trying to find something to fit over them. Lowes has nice tubing buy none fits. The pipe is 3/4 OD. Bought the pipe at Loews so one would expect the tubing to fit but noooooooo.
Suggestions, ideas?