• Beware of Counterfeit Woodturning Tools (click here for details)
  • Johnathan Silwones is starting a new AAW chapter, Southern Alleghenies Woodturners, in Johnstown, PA. (click here for details)
  • Congratulations to Chad Eames for "Twisted Walnut Vessel"being selected as Turning of the Week for September 2, 2024 (click here for details)
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Tim Pollock

Jun 15, 2024
Lawrenceburg, TN
Hi everyone,
Tim Pollock here. I'd like to thank the administrators for allowing me to become part of the group. My first memory of woodwork was when my older brother started making crafts in shop class and bringing them home. I was mesmerized. I couldn't wait until I got in Jr. High so I could also take shop. I fell in love with working with wood and have done woodcrafts in one form or another for more than 45 yrs. From making flat work crafts, to cabinet building, to antique furniture refinishing, to my absolute love of woodturning. I purchased my first lathe in 1993 when I was running an antique furniture refinishing business. Many of the chairs that came in were missing spindles and needed replacements. I had never ran a lathe, we didn't have one unfortunately in either shop class I took in school. I had no idea how to operate one but I had always been fascinated by wood lathes. I operated that business for 5 yrs and somehow stumbled through making all the spindles I needed to replace without having any idea how to use a lathe and amazingly enough without getting hurt. ;) In the early 2,000's I got interested in tobacco pipe making and purchased another lathe to experiment with that. Thankfully YouTube had come along by this time and I learned a great deal about turning there. I made and sold pipes for maybe 2-3 yrs, then started doing some spindle orientation turning again. I had no interest whatsoever in turning bowls... until I turned my first one (somewhere around 2017) and it flew apart from a catch hitting me in the head. That must have knocked some sense into me :D as I fell in love with bowl turning and it's been my passion ever since. I glued that bowl back together, finished it and it sits on my desk as I type. I've turned all kinds of things over the years but bowls are still my favorite thing to turn. I've read and learned lots here on the AAW forum and finally decided it was time I became a respectable woodturner and join the AAW. 😎 Due to an accident in 2007 I was forced to medically retire from my job as an equipment mechanic and an electrician business I was also running. That was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do as I've always been a workaholic. Woodturning has helped keep me sane these last few years. It's just a hobby for me but it keeps me going.

Thanks again for having me!
TimSJ11.JPGBPTB1.JPGMB36.JPGTree To Finished Bowl (126).JPG
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Jun 15, 2024
Lawrenceburg, TN
nice——glad you are here—is that first bowl pecan?

Thank you for the welcome Alan! That one is actually Bradford Pear.
I've only worked with pecan once. This is a bowl a made back in 2020 for my mother-in-law from a pecan tree she had planted that got knocked down and heavily damaged from a large white oak that fell on it. It was heavily spalted.

Jun 15, 2024
Lawrenceburg, TN
Welcome, Tim. It looks like you probably have plenty of wood there, but I have a ton of stuff in Columbia if you ever want to come out and take a look.

Thank you Kent, that's very kind of you! I did notice that you were just up the road from me. Same here sir, if you ever need anything let me know and I may have it. I just built this log deck a few months back to keep my logs on. If you happen to come across any osage orange let me know, oddly enough I haven't been able to find any of it here.

I've got about twice this much now. Cherry, Walnut and Maple.
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Sep 19, 2023
Columbia, TN
Thank you Kent, that's very kind of you! I did notice that you were just up the road from me. Same here sir, if you ever need anything let me know and I may have it. I just built this log deck a few months back to keep my logs on. If you happen to come across any osage orange let me know, oddly enough I haven't been able to find any of it here.

I've got about twice this much now. Cherry, Walnut and Maple.

Are you aware of Duck River Woodturners? I just joined. We meet in Lewisburg, the second Tuesday of each month. It's a bit of a drive for you, but I wanted to be sure I mentioned it.

I have one monster Osage orange, but it's too big to cut down. However, I have found old OO logs on the ground that had been cut down years ago (I've only been here two years so I'm not sure how long). They are still in great shape. Osage orange lasts forever. Same with black locust. Here's my lone Osage orange tree.

Jun 15, 2024
Lawrenceburg, TN
Are you aware of Duck River Woodturners? I just joined. We meet in Lewisburg, the second Tuesday of each month. It's a bit of a drive for you, but I wanted to be sure I mentioned it.

I have one monster Osage orange, but it's too big to cut down. However, I have found old OO logs on the ground that had been cut down years ago (I've only been here two years so I'm not sure how long). They are still in great shape. Osage orange lasts forever. Same with black locust. Here's my lone Osage orange tree.

View attachment 64462

I wasn't aware but I had wondered if there were any close. I have a form of Narcolepsy from an accident I had so I rarely get out, wish I was able to though. That a nice tree! I haven't seen an osage tree since I was a kid.
Sep 19, 2023
Columbia, TN
I can bring you some. My son will be here in July. We'll take a trip to Ethridge to tour Amish country. Easy enough drive to Lawrenceburg from there. Somewhere between July 10-16.
Jun 15, 2024
Lawrenceburg, TN
I can bring you some. My son will be here in July. We'll take a trip to Ethridge to tour Amish country. Easy enough drive to Lawrenceburg from there. Somewhere between July 10-16.

That would be awesome if it's not too much trouble. I have a little bit a bowl customer that lives in Mt Pleasant brought me but not much. It's odd that I can't find any of it here.