Here's a little sequence of pictures showing how I make various size boxes in production, 3" diameter in this case. CNC milling machine and CNC lathe being used.
First pic shows the blank being routed to fit the expanding lathe collet in the foreground, 1-3/4" diameter.
Next, the blank is being turned to size in the lathe while held on the expanding collet.
Next, the turned blank is back on the milling machine held in a 3" collet for the thread to be cut.
Same was done for the lid, routed for the expanding collet and turned to diameter, shown here being internally threaded.
Next, the semi finished base and top. Note the base on the left has not been routed to full inside diameter. It has to go back to the lathe for the bottom recess to be cut (forgot to do it when it was first on the lathe.
Last pic shows them screwed together. Single turn to full closed.
The box isn't finished yet though. The top will be domed and could be embellished with a routed design or pyrography with the laser. Likewise the base could be embellished in some way too.
The wood here came from a lumber salvage yard. It's part of a crate that Boeing gets aircraft parts shipped in. It looks like what I would say is Philippine mahogany except much heavier and denser than any I've seen.
First pic shows the blank being routed to fit the expanding lathe collet in the foreground, 1-3/4" diameter.
Next, the blank is being turned to size in the lathe while held on the expanding collet.
Next, the turned blank is back on the milling machine held in a 3" collet for the thread to be cut.
Same was done for the lid, routed for the expanding collet and turned to diameter, shown here being internally threaded.
Next, the semi finished base and top. Note the base on the left has not been routed to full inside diameter. It has to go back to the lathe for the bottom recess to be cut (forgot to do it when it was first on the lathe.
Last pic shows them screwed together. Single turn to full closed.
The box isn't finished yet though. The top will be domed and could be embellished with a routed design or pyrography with the laser. Likewise the base could be embellished in some way too.
The wood here came from a lumber salvage yard. It's part of a crate that Boeing gets aircraft parts shipped in. It looks like what I would say is Philippine mahogany except much heavier and denser than any I've seen.