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  • Congratulations to Alan Weinberg for "Elm Burl Bowl" being selected as Turning of the Week for January 27, 2025 (click here for details)
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This is the basics at basic

I was at Andy Chen's shop the day after he returned from the China trip in 2014 so I had the great fortune of getting a first hand account from him on how the bowls were made. I also got to hold a bowl that was made on that lathe and given to Andy as a gift.
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This video is about two steps above amazing! And we spend tons of $$$$$ to do the same thing? I forwarded this to my son. He has been to China to visit vendors for his company. This would be in contrast to the high tech machinery he sees in the factories he visits. I noticed a close-up of the craftsman's hands- he has evidence of arthritis on the pinkie of his left hand. But that doesn't slow him down. Thanks for posting the video! Now to view the video that John Lucas posted.
Lissi's video is also amazing. 300 lb. log and it is turned into a beautiful 26 inch bowl! Wonder what she was using to finish it with?
BTW, I don't agree with gloves that close to the blank and she didn't have ear plugs while using the pneumatic sander. JMHO.
John, thanks for the link.
This video was produced by the International Wood Culture Society (IWCS). They have an outstanding photography/video crew that produces superb videos all over the world year round. There is a superb one on Sam Maloof, https://vimeo.com/122505960. For those who were at the AAW symposia the last 3 years you probably noticed these guys running around with some serious video equipment. They are from IWCS. You can watch a clip from the 2013 symposium (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwwC8plyq5I&feature=youtu.be) and 2014 symposium (https://vimeo.com/130963736).

John Lucas, thanks for sharing those videos.
I forwarded the Chinese fellow turning the bowls to my son. His first question was, "How long does it take?"