So I was in Harbor Freight just minding my own business when these color coded hex shank bits jumped up and shouted "Buy Me .. Buy Me Now!!!!" Then I was in one of the big box stores when a couiple of those green "Gardener Kneeling Pads" shouted "Buy Me ... Buy Me Now!!!" So I went home and as I was straightening up my shop, some scrap wood and some velcro shouted "Use Us Use Us Now!!!!" I opened a drawer to put something away and the ShooGoo said "Don't forget about me!!!" So, I put the scrap wood, velcro, kneeling pad, shooogoo and hex bits together and .... VOILA!!!!! Know what they are? Cost: Shoo Goo $6.00, Bits $5.00, Velcro $14.00, Scrap lumber $0.00, neeling Pad, $10.00 = $35. for 25 (2 small ones not included in pic) ... so $1.40/unit ... and I have enough shoogoo, velcro, kneeling pad material and scrap lumber to make another 15 or 20!
Is it time to seek professional helP
Is it time to seek professional helP