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The Burl Score

Nov 21, 2005
Oshkosh, WI
As requested by Jeff Jilg I'm going to try to include some photos of the Cherry burls my turning buddy and I scored in the last few days :D . Also included my FANTASTIC dog for size comparison and one that we cut open yesterday morning. OOPS!! Did I shamelessly include my new PM3520? :D


  • burls.jpg
    33.3 KB · Views: 229
  • Burls and Raven.jpg
    Burls and Raven.jpg
    32.5 KB · Views: 235
  • burl and lathe.jpg
    burl and lathe.jpg
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Holy Moley you got a bunch of burls there...! Looks just like a bunch I had couple months ago, although I didn't have that many. How are you going to prepare them? I wasn't sure, and posted the question on this forum, but I just ended up sealing the ends and letting them sit. Unfortunatley, or maybe fortunatley... the 'non-burl' part of the log began to check rather aggresively and split right down the middle through the pith. I was able to take a mallet and wedge and pop the back of the burl right off. Now I could get them on my band saw and shape them a little more. Hopefully they won't check anymore.
It looks like you are slicing the burl right through... (I wish I had a bigger band saw!) I've got one giant one that I can't even imagine when I might own a lathe big enough to handle. Maybe I'll try and find a way to get it sliced...

Good Find!

Thanks for the pics Cyril. I know Dietrich will be along with his "you'd better send them to me" ploy, so I have gone one better. I have emailed your pictures to a friend of mine in the NSA who is running a topographic comparison of the ground, as well as analyzing the trees in the tree line to get me a GPS coordinate of your burl pile. I am coming out there as you know, and will have plenty of dog treats in my suitcase to distract the guard! Good thing I am coming on the train!

Seriously, very nice score. I love turning cherry burl. It's not just pretty, it smells great! Hope to see you in WI, burls or not. And, I am looking forward to seeing what you make from some of these.

I should have mentioned that my burl/turning partner has the other half. Also about a half dozen in the shop thawing.

Bill, the cut one was done with a chain saw.These ran in size from about the size of a softball to the size of two basketballs. I'm sending you a PM.
Now THAT is what I call a nice pile of wood and burls! The 3520b is very distinctive with the extended area coming out of the headstock. They did that to provide just a bit more clearance when cutting near the headstock. Also the headstock chamfer runs along the whole edge instead of just having a V-notch in the 3520a near the spindle.
I had heard from a sawyer that on Cherry the burls will run wild in a grove, looks like you found such a grove. Any chance in scoring one of those, you cant possibly turn em all yourself :D I would like to take a crack at one with my ez core (stealth gloat)

Congrats on the new lathe, you will find that the wet shavings from the cherry will rust the bed ina few minutes, I scotchbrite them with some boeshield after I am done.
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That is a nice combo Cyril, a new PM3520 & cherry burls, can't get much better! I will look forward to the finished products. Are you going to core the one you cut?