I purchased an inversion table recently, too.......I was skeptical, since reviews and comments vary greatly. Quite a few find that the inversion table doesn't help at all. I was desperate to find relief from the pain I was having in my back. I only spend about two minutes at a time, about 4 times a week. The pain has subsided, but it returns. When it does, I'm on the I.T. again, and it seems to be a positive help in dealing with my back pain. I've also found that I can pop my back while inverted, by twisting my shoulders from side to side. while rotating. I can't say anyone else would have similar results, but the I.T. seems to help me.
I also bought a massage ball, about the size of a large soft ball, but softer. I lay prone facing up while laying on it. This also has helped me pop my back.....but, only intermittently.......same with the inversion table.....helps, but not every single time.