Since opinions are flying around about the AAW I would like to add mine.
I love the organization and the direction it is going! The journal is exceptional.
As a younger turner I and those my age or younger are the future of this organization.
Nothing has turned me off from the AAW as the constant bickering over what is and is not art or woodturning. My opinion of this organization from the journal is excellent. My opinion from spending time in the forums is that the organization is made up of bitter old man afraid of change, afraid of art, and who are completely intolerant to all ideas that do not mimic their own.
From meeting various turners from this forum I know this is not the case. It is unfortunate that the general feel of the forums do not always reflect the generous nature of most of the members of the AAW. People who would go out of their way to help a newbee gain the skills to become an accomplished turner.
If the members of the organization can not be flexible enough to accept new ideas and interpretations of art and woodturning this organization will loose any appeal to the younger audience. Most people my age want to create something new and exciting, not just rework the same old projects.
I love the organization and the direction it is going! The journal is exceptional.
As a younger turner I and those my age or younger are the future of this organization.
Nothing has turned me off from the AAW as the constant bickering over what is and is not art or woodturning. My opinion of this organization from the journal is excellent. My opinion from spending time in the forums is that the organization is made up of bitter old man afraid of change, afraid of art, and who are completely intolerant to all ideas that do not mimic their own.
From meeting various turners from this forum I know this is not the case. It is unfortunate that the general feel of the forums do not always reflect the generous nature of most of the members of the AAW. People who would go out of their way to help a newbee gain the skills to become an accomplished turner.
If the members of the organization can not be flexible enough to accept new ideas and interpretations of art and woodturning this organization will loose any appeal to the younger audience. Most people my age want to create something new and exciting, not just rework the same old projects.