I use termite tools frequently and like them a lot. I'm assuming you're using the tool to hollow out a bowl or hollow form, either end grain or side grain. I use it for both. Here's how I set mine up and use it. The tool rest is set slightly above center (1/4"-3/8") and the tool bit is presented to the wood vertically so it touches the wood at center or slightly below (1/8"-1/4"). At this point the tool will not cut or cuts very little. I slowly rotate the tool bit to the right until it starts cutting. It shouldn't take much rotation to get it to cut. Be very cautious about how far you rotate the tool bit. The more you rotate the bit, the more aggressive the cut. As the tool starts to cut, the handle of the tool is slowly moved to the right, staying at the same angle. You are basically pulling the tool into the wood and you should be getting long shavings, especially in green wood. I made a very long handle for my termite tool so I can put the butt of the tool in my armpit to help control the cut. Hope this helps.
Tim Carter