Well when I got home today I received a very pleasant surprise. My new 3-Phase motor and controller had arrived. Unfortunately I will get to play with it very little for almost two weeks as I don’t have much time in the evening and I leave on a week long business trip Sunday. It is still exciting though and I am looking forward to installing everything.
The controller is a Teco-Westinghouse Fluxmaster 100 and as I sit here and read the manual for it I realize that there is a ton of things this thing can do. I am wondering if anyone here has any experience with this particular controller and can perhaps pass on some words of wisdom and advice on the installation and setup.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
The controller is a Teco-Westinghouse Fluxmaster 100 and as I sit here and read the manual for it I realize that there is a ton of things this thing can do. I am wondering if anyone here has any experience with this particular controller and can perhaps pass on some words of wisdom and advice on the installation and setup.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.