After reviewing the US Forest Service wood book, I suspect you are correct. They don't mention the greenish color, but I've never seen that in any of the western or horticultural poplars around here. The basic answer from the USFS suggests that tulip poplar is used for somewhat more sophisticated purposes that are true poplars. Both types grow in the south and southeast, are turned into lumber and other wood products, so it's kinda fuzzy.
For other nerds out there, here's a summary of the government info:
Eastern and swamp cottonwood grow throughout the eastern half of the United States. Greatest production of lumber is in the Southern and Central States.
Cottonwood is used principally for lumber, veneer, pulpwood, excelsior, and fuel. Lumber and veneer are used primarily for boxes, crates, baskets, and pallets.
Yellow-poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera) is also known as poplar, tulip-poplar, and tulipwood.
Yellow poplar grows from Connecticut and New York southward to Florida and westward to Missouri. The greatest commercial production of yellowpoplar lumber is in the South and Southeast.
The lumber is used primarily for furniture, interior moulding, siding, cabinets, musical instruments, and engineered wood composites. Boxes, pallets, and crates are made from lower-grade stock. Yellow-poplar is also made into plywood for paneling, furniture, piano cases, and various other special products.