Best of luck in inspiring your grandson to learn about the lathe......
I have two sons, and they both made a total of one small bowl each. This is my younger son, and he was about the same age as your grandson. For this, it was mostly me who initiated the dialogue on them learning to turn. I believe they both used only scrapers for their first attempt, and they were able to produce a small bowl apiece. After that, I didn't want to press the issue, because I wanted it to be their own initiative to do/learn more......never happened. Maybe fifty years ago, things might have been different, but what I had to teach them didn't compete with their desires to play computer games. I don't think my experience with teaching my own sons is isolated.......many parents (and grandparents) are experiencing the same thing these days.
Personal computers and electronics are a new frontier within humanity.......and, I speculate that it may be some time before our kind realizes that electronics have their place, but to invest total attention on these things is overlooking a great part of what the physical world has (or, used to) offer. Hopefully, your grandson might be the exception to the rule.......
In my neighborhood, I'd say every fourth or fifth home has a basketball hoop, and we have a baseball field only a few blocks away......but, it's been a few years since I've seen any of the neighborhood kids doing anything at all outdoors. When I see them, they are only going from one house, to another.....and, I expect they are playing electronic games indoors......whereas I used to ride my bicycle everywhere, and baseball was a passion! I normally didn't come home, until it was getting dark.