• Congratulations to Curt Vogt winner of the February 2025 Turning Challenge (click here for details)
  • Congratulations to Joseph Bernard for "Working Spider" being selected as Turning of the Week for March 3 2025 (click here for details)
  • Welcome new registering member. Your username must be your real First and Last name (for example: John Doe). "Screen names" and "handles" are not allowed and your registration will be deleted if you don't use your real name. Also, do not use all caps nor all lower case.

SWAT Symposium less than 6 weeks away!

May 22, 2004
The Southwest Association of Turners (SWAT) 2005 Symposium (formerly "Texas Turn or Two") will be at the Wichita Falls, TX Multi-Purpose Events Center from Sept. 30 through October 2. Based on the last couple year's experience, we expect 400-500 people. There will be 4 professionals (Bonnie Klein, Alan Lacer, Mark Sfirri and Malcolm Tibbets) plus 19 regional turning experts and a dedicated pen turning track. There's time for you to see up to 11 different demonstrations, visit a large vendor area, view the 500+ piece Instant Gallery and the Spouse's Instant Gallery and enjoy the 3 included lunches, all packed with Southwestern hospitality. All this for the bargain registration fee of only $75! until 9/15!! Compare that to the price of other turning symposia and we're helping you pay for alot of gas money!!

Everything above is included in the registration fee. Plus, there's a Saturday night banquet and a 2-for1 raffle. Our Saturday raffle (not an auction) gives you the chance to win donated pieces from our professionals as well as from 30+ of the best turners from the Southwest. And if that weren't enough, those same raffle tickets will still be good at lunch on Sunday for a large selection of "stuff", including some pretty high end merchandise. Also available is the Spouse's Program which features a ceramics class, a dinner theater special presentation, a tour of old time Texas and a jewelry-making program.

You can get all the details, the registration form and more, by going to www.swaturners.com
I'm looking for a fellow woodturner to share a room (save money and
spend it on more tools)which is in Wichita Falls, Texas for the SWAT
Symposium. Date is Thursday Sept,30, Friday Oct 1, Saturday Oct 2. 3
nights. I live in Central KS , between Salina and Wichita. A
possibility is I could pick up another person south of me say in
Cental OK and share a ride. Non smoker here, a young 68. Please let me
know if you are interested. Thanks George Troy Hurlburt