that blue powermatic 3520b lathe, can you buy tickets to the raffle with a credit card (using square) or just cash??
that blue powermatic 3520b lathe, can you buy tickets to the raffle with a credit card (using square) or just cash??
I am guessing that you are talking about QR codes when you say square as I can't think of anything else that might be relevant. However, QR codes have nothing to do with credit cards so I am not clear about your point.
Square like the payment company?
Somewhere between cyan and turquoise -- not a guy color. If I win it, I'll have to paint it mustard yaller.
I am guessing that you are talking about QR codes when you say square as I can't think of anything else that might be relevant. However, QR codes have nothing to do with credit cards so I am not clear about your point.
The square is white inch square of plastic with magic inside and plug that goes into a cell phone.
The operator swipes the credit card through the square
On the other end the square company accepts or rejects the transaction and they charge a reasonable rate.
Square is actually the brand-name of but one device that does this. Paypal has a blue (triangular shaped one) that is tied to a Paypal account. Roam-Pay is a "half-moon" shaped one, the list goes on....
So what is the generic noun?