The Last Resort...
This has happened to me before, and I had to resort to what will hopefully be a last resort. Try this last.
I had gotten a live center stuck in the tail of my Jet Mini. It was a hollow center, and too short to work with the auto eject. I usually just angled the rod to knock it out, but I couldn't get enough contact to deliver a good blow. I used the method of putting a piece of metal between the center and the quill, only to have the entire head come off. At that point I had a tube stuck in a tube, and I was not about to try to twist it in the taper. Finally a light bulb went off and reminded me that it's easier to pull in a straight line than it is to push.
So, here's what I did... I drilled and tapped the center, and inserted a long bolt. I then stuck the bolt behind the jaws of my chuck just like a woodworm screw. Lightly tapping, vertically, on the bolt while retracting the quill brought it right out. I'm not sure about the design of your center, but I think mine is still repairable.