I have been turning a series of segmented vases with and with out lids to be added later. I use outriggers on my tools extensively, I find they really help reduce torque and with arthritic hands you need all the help you can get. In order to use the outriggers and the Oneway steady rest I have to put it on the back side of the project instead of front. I have also discovered I can not tell the difference in the effect. Results are still less vibration and wabble tendency. You can also go a little faster and harder if you really want to do so. In the photo you will see my 18"x25" Robust lathe, Oneway steady, Al Basham 5/8" outrigger setup, John Lea tool with outrigger and a John Jordan hook tool with outrigger. I though this setup might be of interest to those who want to do some in the middle hollowing and semi-hollow forms. I do have a Kelton setup and some more heavy duty hollowing tools not shown. For convenience the Remote contol is a godsend. GT