I had a shocking experience last night!!
I was sanding a platter and had worked my way through the grits to the point I had started using my 3M/Norton scrubby type of pads. After using the pads I reached up to my VSD controller and sparks went off worse than my electric fence!!
It was enough of a charge it confused the VSD controller and the lathe actually stopped. I killed the power to the lathe, let the controller clear and when I turned the power back on the controller was fine.
At least I know my ground is good on the wiring!! :cool2:
I had on rubber sole boots and was standing on rubber matting. After this happened I kept one knee touching the lathe frame and had no more problems. Has anyone else had this happen? I wonder if I need a ground wire attached from the lathe to my body somewhere - I've seen electronic repair use them in the mills to prevent such static discharges. I want to stop this from happening again because first off it HURT and secondly I don't want to damage the controller.

I had on rubber sole boots and was standing on rubber matting. After this happened I kept one knee touching the lathe frame and had no more problems. Has anyone else had this happen? I wonder if I need a ground wire attached from the lathe to my body somewhere - I've seen electronic repair use them in the mills to prevent such static discharges. I want to stop this from happening again because first off it HURT and secondly I don't want to damage the controller.