Finally decided to get into turning. In reading about lathes I discovered the spindle TPI. Some have said stick with an 1" x 8 because it is easier to get accessories to fit. The lathe I am considering however, a newer Grizzly model, has a 1" x 12 TPI. Does it really make a difference? Can they be changed? Secondly, although I am considering a particular lathe as mentioned above, I am really at a loss. JET? Grizzly? Harbor Freight? PSI? Delta? What about size, should I go with a 1/2HP (JET) mini and a bed extension or go straight into something like the larger 1HP JET 1442? That is an expensive start at about $850 through Grizzly offers a very similar model for only $350. Please help me get started! Any help would be very much appreciated.