Sometimes despite all your best efforts, wood does not want to cooperate. I salvaged a truckload of pecan about 3 weeks ago and waxed it immediately then stored it in the garage.
Then I roughed 4 pieces, waxed them and went on a 10 day trip. Those are fine. The unroughed blanks are starting to crack big time. Probably due to the kiln-like effects of my garage in the start of summer. :mad:
This pecan was wanting to crack before I left and now it is starting to accomplish its mission. The wood was salvaged the next day after it was cut. Sometimes it just doesn't work out. There must have been a bunch of stress in this tree.
Then I roughed 4 pieces, waxed them and went on a 10 day trip. Those are fine. The unroughed blanks are starting to crack big time. Probably due to the kiln-like effects of my garage in the start of summer. :mad:
This pecan was wanting to crack before I left and now it is starting to accomplish its mission. The wood was salvaged the next day after it was cut. Sometimes it just doesn't work out. There must have been a bunch of stress in this tree.