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Sorby Patriot Chuck.....Vicmarc Knock-off??

Jun 10, 2004
Ames, Iowa (about 25 miles north of Des Moines)
So can anyone who owns a Sorby Patriot chuck tell me what's different about it (other than using a ball-end hex wrench) that doesn't make it a direct knock-off of a Vicmarc chuck (e.g. the VM-100)? We now (apparently) have three incarnations of the same thing - the original Vicmarc made in Australia, a lower quality and less expensive Taiwanese/Chinese knock-off of the VM-100 sold by Grizzly, and now the British-made 'Patriot' by Sorby. Imitation is one of the most sincere forms of flattery, except in the business world where it results in having to share the market!

Is there anything really different on the Patriot that makes it distinct from the Vicmarc?


Rob Wallace

[Posted also to Woodcentral]
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I've heard nothing about the chuck itself, nor have I had any experience with it. Bill Blassic reported being displeased with a set of their 1" pin jaws, and says he actually got them to bend with a catch.

I think Sorby itself is billing the chuck as an SN2 knockoff, and advertises that it will fit all Nova jaws.

I've been considering it as an extra economy chuck, but after hearing what Bill had to say I'm not so sure. I'll be interested to see what anyone else has to say.
I haven't used it but have a friend who seems to swear it scrolls truer than his old Nova.

I prefer the Oneways (Talon/Stronghold) as it uses a geared handle versus the hex head and seems sturdier in my opinion.

The only obvious shortfall I see from the advertisments is that they only sell smooth jaws.