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Somebody address this issue

Apr 24, 2004
Georges River, Nova Scotia, Canada
In a thread below (rude woodturner) a member complains about his responses being edited or deleted. I am shocked. This bothers me more than a rude woodturner. This issue has to be addressed. What is the policy or guidelines being used to determine if a response or whatever must be deleted? Who makes the decision? Why? Is this an open forum? Some answers please.
Some of the answers to this question should be blatantly obvious. I would expect that posts containing libelous remarks, personal attacks, name calling, profanity, and similar material 😱 would not be permitted. It's not rocket science.
Sean, did you really have your posts deleted or edited? What in the world, other then vulgarity or slander would have that effect?
Inquiring minds want to know..

Before everyone gets in an uproar . . . Look at the top of the Main Forum - they're asking for some new moderator volunteers. Perhaps the ones we've got have become overworked, cross-eyed, or whatever. I'd think those that spend over an hour a day on this thing should be able to do that with no problem.
I have never deleted a post that was not already deleted by the user (when a non-moderator deletes a post, it doesn't physically remove it).
Only times I edit are to correct really horrible spelling or fix a quote that doesn't show up in a frame.

Where was the post?
Some of the answers to this question should be blatantly obvious. I would expect that posts containing libelous remarks, personal attacks, name calling, profanity, and similar material 😱 would not be permitted. It's not rocket science.

Of course that is obvious. Your answer could have been stated a little nicer.😉
I have never deleted a post that was not already deleted by the user (when a non-moderator deletes a post, it doesn't physically remove it).
Only times I edit are to correct really horrible spelling or fix a quote that doesn't show up in a frame.

Where was the post?

3 in the AAW mag thread and 1 in this thread. I believe you didn't delete it. Could be the main office?
3 in the AAW mag thread and 1 in this thread. I believe you didn't delete it. Could be the main office?


If you click on your heading and choose search for all posts in the drop-down, you will find each and every one of your posts listed, including the ones you think have been deleted.
3 in the AAW mag thread and 1 in this thread. I believe you didn't delete it. Could be the main office?

Well, while the passwords are available to the webmaster, it would still show in the logs. All edits, deletes and moves show up, regardless of who did it.
And we know how little the (most) board members frequent here.

Not that I have an answer either.

If you click on your heading and choose search for all posts in the drop-down, you will find each and every one of your posts listed, including the ones you think have been deleted.

The deleted posts would show until we hard delete them. When a user deletes it, it basically just makes it so it isn't viewed. When Ken or I log on, we see the deleted posts and occasionally hard delete them (Remove them completely). Kind of like emptying the recycle bin.
Yesterday, I posted on this thread thanking you for taking the time to research the missing threads and asking Sean if he had any idea if his posts were actually made in the tread, and if he had any idea how long they were there before they disappeared.

I have enough CRS Syndrome that I figured I screwed up and didn't actually post it. However after the Chips29 post and Sean's 4 posts, I'm wondering if there might be some type of glitch. Can anyone confirm if their post was on the board for some period before it was deleted???
Yesterday, I posted on this thread thanking you for taking the time to research the missing threads and asking Sean if he had any idea if his posts were actually made in the tread, and if he had any idea how long they were there before they disappeared.

I have enough CRS Syndrome that I figured I screwed up and didn't actually post it. However after the Chips29 post and Sean's 4 posts, I'm wondering if there might be some type of glitch. Can anyone confirm if their post was on the board for some period before it was deleted???

OOPS! Check the rude thread. That's where you posted. Not in this one. It's #30 on the third page.

Yesterday, I posted on this thread thanking you for taking the time to research the missing threads and asking Sean if he had any idea if his posts were actually made in the tread, and if he had any idea how long they were there before they disappeared.

I have enough CRS Syndrome that I figured I screwed up and didn't actually post it. However after the Chips29 post and Sean's 4 posts, I'm wondering if there might be some type of glitch. Can anyone confirm if their post was on the board for some period before it was deleted???

There is four posts of mine missing. i did check the heading and drop down list. Lots of mine are there but not the four I,m talking about. It's not a big deal to me because it doesn't affect my life one way or the other.
Thanks Ed!
Like I said CRS...

I think it should be a big deal for all of us!
The issue is not the specific loss of those four posts; it is the notion that posts CAN get lost without a reasonable explanation.
Whether this is being done by managers of the site (not moderators) or if there is a glitch in the forum software/server, it destroys the integrity of the site (both in the physical and personality sense of the word).
If it is a habitual event, this forum would quickly dissolve as a worthwhile place to share information with other turners.
It's a complete mystery to me! I see 5 posts by Sean in the global warming thread, and don't remember seeing any more than that.
As far as I know, nobody but Steve and I have any control whatsoever over any forum administrative stuff. I have only partial admin powers, but I am able to delete messages. Steve may have missed this but I did delete one message yesterday, posted by a new member in an entirely wrong location, in the How-to subforum. And that's it, as far as I can remember, definitely not in the threads in question.
Whether this is being done by managers of the site (not moderators) or if there is a glitch in the forum software/server, it destroys the integrity of the site (both in the physical and personality sense of the word)..

As far as titles, moderator is below administrator, but I have both rights.
Did Norm check Roberts thread about where his post/s went before he fired off on the moderators, HOW rude Norm, Robert missed page 3 and you get all fired up , and Sean's post/s were moved ( check subsequent thread ) not deleted ..
Post Deleting

WAAAALLLLL....if you are so inbred, drug-fried, inept, or otherwise incapable of communication without saying "that @*&&^%$(*" piece of wood, or calling somebody a "@^$##*^$", or "I just hit my *&##^%)@ finger!!!", then maybe you can figure your post will be edited for yucky content or erased. Same goes for pictures....if ya want to express yourself this way, there are a TON of websites out there that are on your level...this ain't one.
I feel that this site speaks "professionalism", and any blatant or inferred racist, sexual, or other comments have no place. I thank the Moderators for the great police work they do. This is one reason I renew my membership.....I can count on sharing this site with my Priest or my Grandson with PRIDE!!!😀:cool2:
I not sure who you are refering to Mr. Don, but I agree in principle ...'cept I didn't figure it was time to start yellin at people, I do not want my grandsons reading this or seeing the " yelling " that was done and then thinking it was ok as long as you were defending someones virtue. Ain't life tough enuf ? The moderators have enuf to do , and this type of stuff makes it more so. Forgive us guys , as Pogo once said " We have met the enemy .... and he is us."
Mr. Don,

I'm not sure you read this thread, but I believe we all agree that the moderators have the right to delete posts; that is one of their duties.

However, in this case we have (or thought we have) posts from an established (and generally considered decent) member. If he doesn't know why his posts disappeared, and the moderators don't know why, there is an issue.

Frankly, the sense of hatred or intolerance suggested by your first sentence is by far the worst I have seen on this site and I would be ashamed to show it to my daughter or preacher.
AAW Forum's inclusion a privilege - not a "right"

By becoming a member of this group I agreed to it's rules. It was fully disclosed that this forum's content is monitored and edited. I consider it a privilege to participate here. I do not think being a part of this group gives me any "right" or entitlement regarding how the group has elected to be governed.
It must be the times but lately there have been an awful lot of nasty aggressive posts on almost all of the different newsgroups that I read. It seems everyone wants to pick a fight at the simplest things.
I'm going to quote what a lot of others are probably thinking and some have said before. Why don't we just get back to turning and quit calling people names.
I've been on this site since the begining and the moderators have done a wonderful job. Even when we get into some pretty deep discussions with some arguing going on it has for the most part been civil. I wish all the people who come here just to slam someone else's opinion rather than having a civil disagreement would simply go somewhere else and let us talk about woodturning.
My sentiments exactly, John.
I just posted something with a bit of a contentious tone and erased it after reading your post.
People seem to really be on edge these days.
We can all make it easier on each other by thinking twice before speaking your mind.
A little humor never hurts, unless it's too corny to laugh at.
Myself, I wish for world peas.
And carrots, with butter.😀
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It must be the times but lately there have been an awful lot of nasty aggressive posts on almost all of the different newsgroups that I read. It seems everyone wants to pick a fight at the simplest things.
I'm going to quote what a lot of others are probably thinking and some have said before. Why don't we just get back to turning and quit calling people names.
I've been on this site since the begining and the moderators have done a wonderful job. Even when we get into some pretty deep discussions with some arguing going on it has for the most part been civil. I wish all the people who come here just to slam someone else's opinion rather than having a civil disagreement would simply go somewhere else and let us talk about woodturning.

😱John, I agree with all you said. I learned a lot the last couple of days and some about myself I was not to pleased with. I started the temprature rise and appologize to all concerned. No excuses. There is too much to learn here from people of all walks of life. Thats what originally made me enjoy this fourm. I still didn't like the article though...
😱John, I agree with all you said. I learned a lot the last couple of days and some about myself I was not to pleased with. I started the temprature rise and appologize to all concerned. No excuses. There is too much to learn here from people of all walks of life. Thats what originally made me enjoy this fourm. I still didn't like the article though...

I cannot pass judgment on much of what has been said here the last couple of days, because I recognize that we stumbled on a real hot button issue that obviously raised alot of members blood pressure. As John so aptly put it "lets get back to turning."

I am sorry if I kinda stepped over the line here...I just wanted to voice my opinion...I get kinda radical from time to time...no offense to any one...we are all cool and doing what we think we should. Be good at what you do and have a good day...sorry, people...😱
What's interesting to me, is that this phenomena in web discussion boards seems to pop-up now & then over the years. I think part of it might be the e-communication loss of information I mentioned in the "why don't more people use this forum" thread.

For example, I can remember the first time Michael Mouse started posting on some of the more controversial topics at woodnet a few years ago. Michael has always done a good job of citing material & outlining his theories, but at times in the exchanges there was sarcasm that would get under my skin. Today, I don't know if he has cut back on the sarcasm or if I just understand his writing style better, but I find myself reading most of his posts, enjoying the content, as well as his humor (the trouble with naming your child Angel, is they may not turn out that way - a classic!). I'm glad the forum mods didn't nuke him. Will I ever use a roughing gouge on a bowl? No. But I am going to make a square edge bowl out of a flatwork cutoff this weekend. I hope to run into him at a symposium or demo someday.

Sean and Bill G. are great people. Sean I know personally. He was absolutely incredible in how he led & promoted our club down here, and organized the first Desert Woodturning Roundup. He was the most gracious of hosts, hosting turning classes at his home. Bill I know only through the web, and through the great responses to my questions in PMs and threads. Nothing said in recent days has changed my opinion of these folks.

I haven't had much contact with the other folks on the other side of the issue in the other thread, but I hope to get to know them better through their posts on a variety of topics as time goes by.
This has been a great debate. A lot of soul searching. John Lucas, You are right on. The moderators do a great job. I think that I and others now absolutely understand the guidelines and why a post may be deleted or moved. This has also been a good exercise to clear the air.
I am in the John Lucas camp for sure. With that said, I am out of here for today... maybe the keyboards will have a chance to cool down while I go stand at the new
vicmarc vl100 with 1.0HP Baldor, extra bed extension, Hitachi single phase variable frequency drive controller set with a 0.5 second accelleration, 0.5 second decell, dynamic braking at 10.0 Hz, remote opperated 3-wire interface with momentary push button start and stop, toggle fwd/rev and 3-turn potentiometer speed control, torque boost at 5 Hz for 2 seconds, thermal overload protection and a carrier frequency set to eliminate every and all noise the thing could possible produce short of the wood chips it will be throwing at the old school Rockwell in about 3 minutes! --- I cannot think of any more features to mention without getting out the manuals..(yeah, it took me over a month to build it and get it running but I am kind of fired up about finally having it running, especially since I did not get shocked messing with the electricity and it actually runs!! ) Later!
It sounds like you have some good turning times to be had, Peter!
Enjoy and congrats!
BTW, I believe these threads have cooled down, but I won't tell you that - so you won't get distracted from enjoying your "new" rig!
If you don't mind my asking, what had you been turning on?
KEW- I have an old Rockwell lathe that works fine but the reeves drive is kind of clunky and the thing is really loud, its fat, slow and old. the vic is nimble, quick, and brand new! 😉 I have never turned on anything with pot adjustable variable speed and never on a machine that I could actually hear the wood instead of the vibration! it's awesome!! The VFD is almost infinitely adjustable and does a LOT of different things. I have never done anything with electricity before so that was a little scary but I found it fun to re-learn wiring diagrams, etc... program the thing to do what i wanted it to do, etc... I have to tally it up exactly but it seems I got it going for around 900 bucks which includes everything... bases, casters, remote controls, 1.0 HP Baldor, VFD, bed extension, etc.... Pretty good considering the vl100 with a motor is 750 or something, or was when CS still carried it, and did not have variable speed. I will post pics of the whole project soon. MY intention is to have the vl100 with bed extension for general use and spindles and the vl300 short bed for bowls. I will build the vl300 myself too to not only save cash but it allows you to really add tons of features not otherwise available to the stock lathe. For instance, I can add a braking resistor to the machine tomorrow with no trouble, or change the amt of torque generated at start up by pushing a cpl buttons. It was a really fun project!