john lucas
AAW Forum Expert
I'll kick it off. I'll have to go through my notes to do much more. 100 year ago (well it seems that long ago anyway) I learned to carve inside a block of acrylic to make a rose. I had forgotten about it. While sitting in on Ed Kelle's demo he used one of those carvers that looks like a tapered drill bit. That's the same tool we used to cut the rose. Great tool for excavating inside turnings. Thanks Ed, I'm ordering one this week. (crap more money on the card).
Did you see the shoe covers Bruce Hoover had in the Thesandingglove booth. Keeps the shavings out of you shoe. (darn there goes more money on the card).
Sharon Doughty showed how she inserts 3 1/8" magnets in the lid and base of her boxes. This keeps the lid aligned so the grain matches and she can make the lid less snug so they don't bind up with humidity changes. (Like they have that problem in Hawaii 🙂. The magnets are recessed and the hole is filled with sawdust to conceal them.
Monster tools new adaption to the laser makes adjusting it easier and reduces the vibration. This falls under the Cool Tool category as well as the ball cutter that Wivamac is selling through Choicewoods.
Hunter tools had 3 new mini tools for hollowing boxes and ornaments. There is a straight cutter, top down cutter and a bottom up cutter. I don't know if that's what Mike call them but the top down cutter is angled for cutting from the lip down to the side when hollowing ornaments. The other cutter is angled to cut from the bottom up to the side. Granted on ornaments it's not necessary for a super clean cut but when used on boxes or ornaments with holes in them these tools will really shine.
Robust lathes have a really complete line of their tool rests that have a hardened bar on top. I'm pretty sure a curved on is on my list of purchases for this next year. I have one of the straight ones and love it.
There was so much more but I'll stop there for now.
Did you see the shoe covers Bruce Hoover had in the Thesandingglove booth. Keeps the shavings out of you shoe. (darn there goes more money on the card).
Sharon Doughty showed how she inserts 3 1/8" magnets in the lid and base of her boxes. This keeps the lid aligned so the grain matches and she can make the lid less snug so they don't bind up with humidity changes. (Like they have that problem in Hawaii 🙂. The magnets are recessed and the hole is filled with sawdust to conceal them.
Monster tools new adaption to the laser makes adjusting it easier and reduces the vibration. This falls under the Cool Tool category as well as the ball cutter that Wivamac is selling through Choicewoods.
Hunter tools had 3 new mini tools for hollowing boxes and ornaments. There is a straight cutter, top down cutter and a bottom up cutter. I don't know if that's what Mike call them but the top down cutter is angled for cutting from the lip down to the side when hollowing ornaments. The other cutter is angled to cut from the bottom up to the side. Granted on ornaments it's not necessary for a super clean cut but when used on boxes or ornaments with holes in them these tools will really shine.
Robust lathes have a really complete line of their tool rests that have a hardened bar on top. I'm pretty sure a curved on is on my list of purchases for this next year. I have one of the straight ones and love it.
There was so much more but I'll stop there for now.