I designed this and built this about 12 months ago and is an all welded construction.
It has no tailstock and most likely I wont be making one. As I have in mind to use it for bowls only.Due a change in residence it has yet to be tested 🙁 But that should be recitfied at Christmas...yay! 😀
Currently it has a 2hp motor, 1440rpm, 240v single phase,4 speed 700 to 2200 stepped pulley setup. Belt adjustment is via a couple of butt hinges welded to 2"sq tube
I intend to repace it with a 1hp same rpm and use the bigger motor on another larger lathe I am building
Headstock is from 5" sq tube 3/16 wall thickness, 30mm dia headstock shaft with sq flange bearing housing fitted with self aligning bearings. I have used 30mm shaft and bearings so as to have a long life.
Bed is from 4x2" parallel channel approx 18" long, Banjo is 2x3/8 flat bar 12" long, Banjo post 3" sq tube 3/16 wall thickness
Max turning dia is around 27" and locking is by cam locks. The small grey area to the l/h side under the headstock is to mount a short aux. bed to gain access to the rear of a bowl. The Banjo set up will simply slide on, although most of the rear of the bowl could be covered from the mian bed via the long Banjo and tool rest.
The chuck is a SN2 with step jaws and the inspector is my grandson. 😀
It has no tailstock and most likely I wont be making one. As I have in mind to use it for bowls only.Due a change in residence it has yet to be tested 🙁 But that should be recitfied at Christmas...yay! 😀
Currently it has a 2hp motor, 1440rpm, 240v single phase,4 speed 700 to 2200 stepped pulley setup. Belt adjustment is via a couple of butt hinges welded to 2"sq tube
I intend to repace it with a 1hp same rpm and use the bigger motor on another larger lathe I am building
Headstock is from 5" sq tube 3/16 wall thickness, 30mm dia headstock shaft with sq flange bearing housing fitted with self aligning bearings. I have used 30mm shaft and bearings so as to have a long life.
Bed is from 4x2" parallel channel approx 18" long, Banjo is 2x3/8 flat bar 12" long, Banjo post 3" sq tube 3/16 wall thickness
Max turning dia is around 27" and locking is by cam locks. The small grey area to the l/h side under the headstock is to mount a short aux. bed to gain access to the rear of a bowl. The Banjo set up will simply slide on, although most of the rear of the bowl could be covered from the mian bed via the long Banjo and tool rest.
The chuck is a SN2 with step jaws and the inspector is my grandson. 😀
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