Since I started woodturning a little over a year ago, I have managed to acquire three different lathes. My second, was my first purchase, a Delta Midi lathe which I use virtually exclusivley. The third one is a Fisch Precision with a bed extension that my father gave to my 11-year old son ( he had it and never used it...) We are getting that one set up now. But the first one I acquired is an old Taiwanese machine, a Reliant; 10-inch swing, odd-ball headstock thread (at least it's not 1" - 8) and the tailstock has a permanent live center. Since I have 3 midi-type lathes, and don't need 3 midi-type lathes, I am thinking of cutting off the bed of the Reliant and setting it up and using it as a dedicated bowl lathe. Any thoughts on this blasphemy...?