Here is some more information about transporting wood. Generally these links refer to fire wood, but it's the same thing as turning wood. The intended use doesn't alter the problem of spreading pests and diseases:
It seems like the bottom line on all of these links is that all trees are hosts to various critters and some of these like the gypsy moth are really bad and not fussy about what species of tree it decides to infest and kill. In my searching, I discovered that there are actually firewood forums ... people that want to talk about firewood ... I'm not making this up. And, who knows, they might think that woodturners are weird. Anyway, I discovered that there are folks on those firewood forums that think that all these restrictions to fight the spread of pests that are killing trees is just a conspiracy against them. On one thread that I read, a fellow in Florida had pine trees on his property that were killed by pine bark beetles. He cut the trees up for firewood and was planning to transport it to a relative in Virginia and was wondering if there was any problem with transporting the wood across state lines. Most of the responses were recommendations along the lines of "put a tarp over the wood and travel at night".

There were one or two silly people who suggested that spreading pests that were killing trees might be a bad idea. But, after all, this was a
firewood forum so the only good tree is a dead tree.
Al, have any of your pine trees died and do you have any relatives in Virginia? .... Just wondering.