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Sharpening small detail gouges?

small jigs/Peter Toch

Peter Toch makes small jigs that I use for small gouges instead of the Vari-grind attachment in the Wolverine jig. These are inexpensive, well-made, and very effective. I recommend them for 3/8 and 1/4 inch gouges.

Peter's e-mail address is ptoch@adelphia.net

Possibly he could provide a picture of these handy devices.
I built my version of the Ellsworth jig small enought to hold tools down to 1/4" For really small tools I sharpen by hand. I turn the wheel off and when it starts getting pretty slow I sharpen the tool. It takes off a lot less metal at that speed so it's more controllable on small gouges.
On really small gouges ( turn miniatures) I use my dremel. I sharpen on a 1" grinding wheel but I use the flat side and sharpen near the center. This lets me have much more control.
Like John, I have an Ellsworth style jig that was made for me by a friend. I can easily hold a 1/4" gouge in it. I also like John's idea of slowing the grinder to sharpen small tools. I often place my tools to be sharpened in ice water prior to touching them to the grinder. It allows me a few more seconds before the heat begins to discolor the steel. This probably doesn't mean much in highspeed steel but it helped me develop a lighter touch when at the grinder.
Jigs for Sharpening Gouges


I'm Peter Toch, the fellow Ed Moore mentioned as the one who makes and sells sharpening jigs for gouges. These jigs work for gouges from less than 1/4" dia. to up to 3/4" dia. and are very modestly priced. I have sold well over a hundred of them with no returns. For more detailed information you can see pictures and a brief description of what I offer in the classified section of the website for the Association of Revolutionary Turners, a local chapter of the AAW in the Boston area. Their web address is www.revolutionary-turners.com/classified.html. Or you can contact me directly and I can email to you a flyer showing the turning products I make and sell. I can be reached at: ptoch@adelphia.net, or by phone: (540) 774-4152.

Hope this will help, Peter Toch