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Segmenting program

Jan 3, 2015
Western Ma.
Looking for a free program for doing segmenting, drawing up a project and figuring the angles and lengths of pieces. I’m on a iPad so something compatible. What’s everyone use? TIA

I own and use SPP segmented project planner. Well worth the ~$40 IMO. Yes you can spend hours looking for free methods and/or developing your own to supplement etc, but the program works well once past the initial learning curve. I have not used the latest version (3/19), but its probably still the old clunky look from 20 yrs ago. Big deal - it works well once figured out. You can save design files for future use and it creates a cut list for you. There are many built-in design aids and help notes. Not sure there is an apple version, let alone tablet. There is a free download with limits to try it out.
I use Woodturner Studio. Its user interface is sort of dated, but like SPP that Doug uses, it gets the job done. I have also found that its Bézier curve function makes it great for designing hollowforms. It has the full complement of tools needed for segmented work, but unfortunately it isn't currently available. Supposedly, the last version of Windows that it would run on was XP, but it runs just fine on W7 Professional computer, but it might not work on other versions of W7. I haven't tried it on my W10 machine yet. If you look on Jerry Bennett's website it says that an updated version is in the works, but it has been "in the works" more than five years so I'm no longer holding my breath.
I also use a copy I got a few years ago of SPP. It was helpful when I used it the few segmented pieces I made but it wasn't the easiest software to understand. If I am being honest I probably did not invest enough time learning how all the bells and whistles worked. It was also a little buggy if memory serves. But, it was a huge help in determining my cut list which is the main reason I bought it.

I also wanted to add that the gentleman who owns or developed the software Bill Kandler I believe is always very helpful whenever I would call with a question or I did not understand a function. You can't put a price on that kind of support.

Big B
I have SPP but our computer is a piece of junk so I do it by hand. Once we get a new computer I’ll try to learn it a bit.