Would appreciate advice for the initial steps in beginning the "second" turning of a twice turned bowl. About one year ago, I "wet" turned three black walnut bowls each about 10" diameter leaving a wall thickness of 1" and a generous sized tenon (first time for me using the twice turned technique). The bowls dried and as expected ended up with an oval shape (and fortunately with no cracks). I mounted the first bowl securely using a jam chuck with tail stock support and re-turned the tenon round with a dovetail for my VM chuck. While still in the jam chuck I turned the outside of the bowl. When I reversed the piece using the chuck to turn the inside, the external surface had a fair amount of wobble and I needed to re-turn it round. My question is should I have re-turned the tenon, reversed it and then turned both the outside and the inside of the bowl? If I did it this way, would the proximity of the chuck to the outside bottom of the bowl restrict access for my gouge to turn the outside bottom of the bowl? I haven't started the second and third bowl yet. Are there other options for this initial process? Thanks in advance for your suggestions.