Getting back into turning after many years has got me bevel crazy. Hope you guys can bear with me. I am just about honed in on most of the correct bevels for my tools. However, I do have a question about scrapers. The bevel on most I have seen lately is about 70 degrees. I have 2 old scrapers about 30 years old. One is a Sears Craftsman and the other a Richard Raffin. Both are large tools, 1/2" wide with a round nose. Now the bevel on both is about 30 degrees. Yes, really 30 degrees as opposed to the blunt 70 degrees of the newer tools. Now are these sharp bevels something from the past? What was the purpose of such a sharp angle? They seem to work well and I really don't know if the blunter bevels sharpness lasts longer or not. Im just wondering if I should regrind these old tools to the 70 degree bevel or just use them as is. I'm trying to get some standardization in my tool bevels.