I have a piece that I am working on and I am going to have someone else decorate it with acrylic paint. The piece is Bradford pear, do I need to use a sanding sealer before she paints it and if yes, what would be a good choice?
Sounds like I might better just seal it to be safe. I have never used a sealer before, are there any differences in them and what would you recommend?
Wouldn't shellac be fine for almost everything?
Yes, thanks Bill. I should have specified DEWAXED shellac. Thin with DNA, but might want another coat. The Zinnser spray can is fairly thin and easy. Just make sure it's fresh.
I didn't know that Zinsser Seal Coat came in a rattle can. Jimmy Clewes says that he thins the sealer which is already thin because he doesn't want to see any of the sealer on the surface. His goal is to have all of it soak into the fibers so that the topcoat won't be sucked into the fibers. Of course, he was using dye on the wood so his aim was different than what you are doing.
I use the spray Zinsser a lot as a sealer. Lowes has it and if I recall, Walmart too. De waxed