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Rudy Lopez is awesome!

Feb 21, 2011
Elkhart, IN
Quite a while back I asked on this and another forum for recommendations for turning instruction. Along with the normal places like Marc Adams, Arrowmont, and John Campbell schools there were recommendations for individual pros who gave lessons. My buddy Gary and I wanted a more one-on-one style of learning compared to the 10-to-1 or 16-to-one student teacher rations the schools have. Ultimately we chose to contact Rudy Lopez. Just got back from 4 days (well actually 3.5 days since he set us up with a morning trip to one of his wood guys!).

I can't recommend Rudy enough! He was patient with working around my limited vision issues, easy going funny, extremely knowledgeable etc. etc! My friend Gary has had other one-one-one lessons in the past few years from a couple other very well known pro turners that I won't name specifically. But, Gary said this experience with Rudy was the best of them all. If you want a great learning experience be sure to contact Rudy Lopez at http://rudolphlopez.com/classes01.html

Ricc Havens
Great to hear of your good time on the River.

Full disclosure Rudy is a good friend. We are in the same club and for 15+ years we have been involved in numerous classes, demos, and symposiums for the last 15 years.

Rudy is a great teacher and demonstrator. Plus Florida is great place to visit any time of the year.
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Hey Al you were the one in my post last August who recommended Rudy along with Jimmy Clewes and a couple others. http://www.aawforum.org/community/index.php?threads/can-of-worms-education.14072/#post-138408

"On the "river" is a great place! wish my shop had such a great location. Plus the Tampa area worked out well as I have a cousin who lives and owns a shop in Ybor and her sis and momm living in St. Pete who I hadn't seen in years. So I was able to see them all in the evenings and catch up.

By the way, your name did come up (in a good way :)) in discussions in Rudy's shop along with Ron Browning, Don Geiger, and the guy who owns Rubber Chucky (can't remember his name).

Thanks Again for the recommendation! Well worth the trip from northern Indiana!
he way, your name did come up (in a good way :)) in discussions in Rudy's shop along with Ron Browning, Don Geiger, and the guy who owns Rubber Chucky (can't remember his name).

Small world when you think about it and all the interconnections we have.

Don Doyle is the rubber Chuckie guy. He was a member of our club for many years. Ruddy, I and other club members were the Don’s guinea pigs for his numerous inventions and perfecting a casting density for each.
I have a drawer full of too soft and too hard castings as well as a whole bunch of just right rubberchuckies that went into production.

The Florida woodturning community is amazing. I feel lucky to be a part of it.
Of course Don Geiger is the expert on sharpening and a fine turner.
and Ron Browning has been a leader of Florida Symposium forever and a marvelous turner too.
I would like to also like to chime in and say that Rudy is a real class act. I spent time with him in his shop last year with my teenage son tagging along as well. I highly recommend him to anyone looking to further their skills as a turner and just being a better artist. Rudy is also a great photographer and can offer some great tips on taking photos of your pieces. I plan on spending more time with him in his shop this year as well. Big B