For what it's worth.......
For many years, I used step pulleys and a single speed motor, but after finally converting my Woodfast lathe to VS about 5 years ago, I finally have reversing capability.
I've heard about bending the fibers of the endgrain, and using reverse to control that from happening. This makes sense, but I've found that reverse didn't help my sanding at improvement in surface quality.
I have a theory about this.......If I had reverse 25 or 30 years ago, it might have made a difference, but during all that time that I didn't have reverse capability, I've been improving my skill level with sharpening and tool control. Back then, my "tool finish" prior to sanding was horrible, and required a lot of sanding. With lots of sanding, the wood fibers very well may have benefited from reversing the rotation. With a better tool finish, I speculate that the reverse option isn't as important as it would be for someone who requires excessive sanding.....
(I'm now doing about 1/10th the sanding I used to do back then, but, I am also spending double, or triple the amount of tool time...... The trade off results in a more level and finer surface......much better for the final sanded surface.......and, an absolute necessity for anyone who wants nice crisp edges and details! :cool2
Spalted woods are an exception to the rule......many times, no matter how sharp your tool, and no matter how well you can control the cut, lots of sanding is the only thing that can be done for really punky torn grain. Here the wood fibers may benefit from reverse when lots of sanding is required. I generally try to stay away from really punky wood, but still have to deal with it sometimes, because I really love spalting!......Are there any opinions about reverse sanding and punky wood with bad tear-out? I'll have to admit that I haven't experimented with this particular aspect of reverse, your opinion/observations/experiences with this is sought and welcomed.......
The one and ONLY thing that results. There are a lot of dead-end streets that do not/did not get there, but many times, there is more than one road to success!