• Congratulations to Curt Vogt winner of the February 2025 Turning Challenge (click here for details)
  • Congratulations to Joseph Bernard for "Working Spider" being selected as Turning of the Week for March 3 2025 (click here for details)
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Mar 3, 2009
Madison, Indiana
I have been out in the shop off and on all day. What a great life,I just love turning at will, doing my own thing, what a life when you can't wait to get back out there and make more shavings.
I just joined a turning club, met some super nice people, and just enjoy being around people with similar interests and the willingness to help in any way they can. This is great.
Hope everyone can enjoy this feeling in their time on this earth.
Gary, Sounds great. I'm looking forward to my retirement this May. Taught high school shop for 29 years and helped my students make thousands of projects over these years. Looking forward to working in my home shop on my own projects in the future.
Happy Turning,
Jack Mincey
Sure beats the heck out of fishing, or watching the stupid tube! :D

Retirement for me is very close to three digits right now.......;)

62 years, 11 months.......and, counting! :eek:


Andy: Thanks for the comment on my military album......Welcome home, brother!

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Yea I'm really looking forward to retiring. I've been working since I was 16, sometimes at 2 jobs. I'm ready. I'm so close now it's not funny but things have to come together so I'm looking at anywhere from a few months to 3 years max. Can't wait.

I retired in January and have loved every minute. I haven't turned as much as the time I have spent fixing and cleaning the shop and making new tools. That and going with my friends to Sams for lunch. (hot dog combo)

12 years ago, after getting pretty burned out at work, I retired. It didn't take. After a few months, I knew I was in trouble when I found myself going to Costco for entertainment. Turns out, I need to be doing something worthwhile, so I went happily back to work. Now I'm looking at retirement again, not because I have no choice, but because now I'm ready. Among other things, I've discovered woodturning and the urge to turn means I've always got something fun to do. Until the family members start throwing wood at me, I'll be fine. Good luck to all of you.
Sure beats the heck out of fishing....

Well, I am not quite sure about that. Fishing and woodturning...they are both right up there. Although now that I have been retired for nearly a decade, I find that I have a whole lot less time to turn than I originally thought. Of course, my better half keeps adding to my to-do list, so maybe that has something to do with it :)
I can't imagine not having anything to do when I retire. I'm only 62 but If I retired tomorrow and live to be 90 I still couldn't get all the things done that I would like to do. Now finding the money to do some of those things might be tough.
I have a friend who just sits around all day. He does come to the turning meetings but he hardly ever turns anything. I've told him to come to gym with me and start working out but he's not into that. He was just so used to going to work and hanging out with the guys at the office that he just doesn't know what to do with himself now.
My own retirement is not yet imminent but it's on the horizon. I'm nearing 62 and have been turning for 2 years. It's probably a good thing I didn't discover turning years ago as I'd likely never have gotten a real job! My enthusiasm is such that my friends say I won't be retiring FROM something but TO something. I don't have the time to turn as much as I'd like (10-12 hours a week) but I do have the means to outfit my shop. I have decided to leave the kid tools and wood instead of money!:)
My own retirement is not yet imminent but it's on the horizon. I'm nearing 62 and have been turning for 2 years. It's probably a good thing I didn't discover turning years ago as I'd likely never have gotten a real job! My enthusiasm is such that my friends say I won't be retiring FROM something but TO something. I don't have the time to turn as much as I'd like (10-12 hours a week) but I do have the means to outfit my shop. I have decided to leave the kid tools and wood instead of money!:)

Partrick, That is a good idea,my son likes my tools but probably would like my money( little as it may be) more.
I can't imagine not having anything to do when I retire. I'm only 62 but If I retired tomorrow and live to be 90 I still couldn't get all the things done that I would like to do. Now finding the money to do some of those things might be tough.

That pretty well sums it up for me as well and if the 'to do' list ever shrinks LOML will surely add to it. :D
Since I am 55 I have a ways to go. My wife who is 2 years younger than I can retire when she turns 55:eek:. Something morally wrong here. I have been turning wood since I was 14 & I think that ought to count for something!

Described my situation and enjoyment quite well. One of my things is not having to be scheduled and being able to forget what day it is.

But, I am afraid I will meet myself taking the garbage to the street.

Dan, I know just how you feel. I haven't worn a watch since I retired 14 years ago. I get up every morning with a new bowl idea in mind. My neighbore cut a maple tree the other day, went down to cut a piece or two and left with 13 pieces of spalted maple.
I have hundreds of drying blanks in my garage just waiting to be discovered.
Nothing better than to enjoy what you do and get excited every day.
Keep turning and enjoy tomorrow. Gary
Been retired 2 yrs now. I took my watch off on December 31, 2009, took the calendar down in the shop and neither has been used since. I keep busy doing honey do's for the minister of finance. Always good to keep her happy. In the shop woodturning 3 days a week, in the shop doing clock repair 3 days a week and when not doing those trout fishing with grandson. Life doesn't get any better than that.
Work? What's that?

I had my 65th birthday in 1986. I retired soon after. Spent a lot of summers aboard our boat, cruising between Puget Sound and Alaska on the inside passage. Lots of woodturning between cruises.

I've long ago forgotten what it feels like to have to go to work to earn a living....

Retirement? I recommend it. :):)
Don't wish your life away!

I got 25 to go! I wish it was tomorrow.

Enjoy everyday you have because they can end at any time...

I retired 4 years ago, never been busier, try to do some turning everyday, love it. Doing my best to get others that have retired with nothing to do to take up the hobby, so far I have converted one fellow. He is a fanatic about turning!! He's getting better too.