3M's response
Bill B., Here is 3m's reponse:
"When the cradle is in place in the helmet, and the buttons are in the upper
most slots, (closest to the top of the helmet) the helmet will ride as low
as it can go.
3M respirators are designed to fit a wide range of people, but regulatory
requirements and general population sizes restrict what we can do. The
AS-400 is a hard hat. To meet current American National Standards
Institute hard hat requirements, there must be a certain amount of
clearance between the top of the helmet and the top of the head. This
limits how low the helmet can go. We can not make the AS-400 too big as
then people at the other end of the size spectrum would take issue]
Without seeing both helmets, I can not say why a 10 year old helmet fit and
a new one does not. As I mentioned, if you feel there is a manufacturing
problem with your particular AS-400 you can contact our Warranty Dept at
800-328-1667 option #3. They can help arrange to have the helmet returned
and inspected to see if anything is out of manufacturing specifications.
3M only sells through distributors. If you wish to return the AS-400 for
refund, you would have to do that through the company you purchased it
Don Garvey, CIH, CSP
3M Occupational Health &
Environmental Safety Division
3M Center
Bld. 235-02-E-91
St. Paul, MN 55144-1000
This was not very satisfying after the expense! I fit inside the size #8 headband, but there is not room for a size #8 chin. Bah-humbug! I guess that is why I sold my 3M stock from my IRA.