Inlay Ideas
I have been turning for about 10 years on and off. I'm just now playing with inlay ideas. Look at The stone inlay work by Steve Hatcher and many others. My first attempt at turquose was a near disaster. I made the grove too deep and had only managed to produce a hard CA glue dome over loose stone and a pool of liqued CA glue. I turned on the lathe and startee to sand/cut the dome down and the next thing I knew I has $12 of fine shrapnell and A glue spider webs al over.
Some people are inlaying different colored wood dust, colored epoxy and even small objects into clear 2 part epoxy. TRy cutting a wide grove into the rim of a bowl, paint the sides and bottom. Glue in objects, like cross sections of natural shelll and fill the void with clear epoxy. The colored bottom seems to give the inlay a real pool like depth. I just fell in love with a peice made like that in Pasadena. There are several comercial products like inlace and all their addatives.
Another good choice for inlay is metals look for free brass filings might be the catch bin at your local hardware's key machine.
For more ideas, come to the next AAW symposium and brouse the instant gallery you will be amazed. It will take me all year to just experiment with what's listed here.
John Taylor