Might be quaking aspen.
We had a few in Maryland.
Birch in Maryland have serrated leaves more narrow than the aspen.
The leaves are not like aspen's. I vote for birch.
.... I think the trunk where the group of trees all grew together will be the most interesting wood figure. But have have a lot of inclusions.
MY river birch (20" diameter or so at base) got severely injured in an ice storm. The top 3 branches were broke and hinged. This spring we had a bad freeze and the next day I saw a large frozen mess that was dripping. I tasted it and was sugery!!!! Probably could have sugared that tree!! GretchKevin Wood; [COLOR="#0000FF" said:[/COLOR]"birch oil or oil of wintergreen, used to flavor medicines and candy. The trees can be tapped like sugar maples in early spring and the fermented sap made into birch beer."