So for a while, I've obsessed about a few short comings on my old lathe.
And once it became apparent that I needed to repour my babbitt bearings, I took a wider view to rebuilding the beast.
As you can see from the title, there have been 2 prior rebuilds that I have done.
Over the 140 year lifespan of this lathe, its gone through many changes. This being the latest, but not likely the last.
So, short comings:
- rigidity at the headstock
- power at lower rpms
- ability to run backwards - so I didn't have to bend way over when hollowing.
That all led to a new design direction:
- faceplate only - no thread on chucks, which allows this to be reversible
- MUCH heavier
- lower gearing.
I bought some giant pillow blocks and had a local machinist turn the spindle for me.
Some initial (teaser) pics are here:
All of which will likely generate more questions and comments than I can answer tonight.
But the project is proceeding and going well. A few more weekends and it should be spinning again.
And once it became apparent that I needed to repour my babbitt bearings, I took a wider view to rebuilding the beast.
As you can see from the title, there have been 2 prior rebuilds that I have done.
Over the 140 year lifespan of this lathe, its gone through many changes. This being the latest, but not likely the last.
So, short comings:
- rigidity at the headstock
- power at lower rpms
- ability to run backwards - so I didn't have to bend way over when hollowing.
That all led to a new design direction:
- faceplate only - no thread on chucks, which allows this to be reversible
- MUCH heavier
- lower gearing.
I bought some giant pillow blocks and had a local machinist turn the spindle for me.
Some initial (teaser) pics are here:
All of which will likely generate more questions and comments than I can answer tonight.
But the project is proceeding and going well. A few more weekends and it should be spinning again.