Hi Bill,
As a Program Director for a club, I would appreciate learning about the business side of things. And I think that there are plenty of people who do not understand that when one travels for a day, does an all-day demo and returns home the next day, the demonstrator has three days PLUS PREP TIME invested in the venture. They deserve fair compensation for their time. For that reason, I take the demo fee plus the travel costs and look at that total. If the total seems about right, then it's a "go", if it is out of line, then I duck the situation. I choose not to ask a demonstrator to adjust their fee if I think it is a little "ambitious".
Where I think a demonstrator must be careful is when more than one club and demo is involved. I hosted a touring demonstrator in my home and since he was going to be there anyway, I arranged a workshop in my shop as a kindness to him and to allow him to pick up a day's pay. Suddenly I found myself being assessed travel fees, which I felt were not part of the picture since he was being paid by another club for his demo and was already staying in my home anyway, plus I didn't take a penny for the use of my shop and the wood I supplied. We got things worked out by increasing the cost to attend a little and picking up a couple extra people. The second situation that must be avoided is "double-dipping", where a demonstrator receives full travel expenses from two clubs for back-to-back demos that are not very far apart. I know of a couple of name demonstrators who have tarnished their reputations by doing this.
And since the Smith Mountain Lake Woodturners are extremely happy to be hosting Bill Grumbine on Saturday, May 13, let me point out that none of the negatives mentioned here apply to Bill, which is why I felt free to write what I did. If you are interested in attending Bill's demo I am sure that I can find a place with a club member for you to stay over on Friday evening, to allow you to attend the demo Saturday. The fee for attending is very modest. If you can't attend and feel a need to send the money anyway, please contact me privately. 😀 😀