I have been turning for two years and provided I can satisfy a few question about how the symposium will benefit my turning then I can finally decide whether to attend. Fortunately I have been able to turn a fair amount and I guess I am of average ability as a turner of two years. My turning has included coring, natural edge and utility bowls, platters, hollow forms and some surface enhancement. I will be the first to tell you in my opinion I will never know enough about turning only that I want to continue to improve. My expectations upon attending the symposium is to bring back information that will really benefit my skills and creative side. By this I would expect (or hope) to be able to put into practice (with practice) information demonstrated in the rotations. A couple of examples would be if I am coring bowls or turning hollow forms will the information presented give me the tools to noticeably improve upon those skills (given an average person and ability). Since I have never been to a symposium I am trying to weigh the cost benefit of the event. It is understood I will be in the company of world class turners in an excellent setting. I will appreciate any insight you can provide. I have found that most of the turners I have met are happy to share with others. Thanks for you’re help…….
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