So far, I have used the Kel Mac coring system to core 4 pieces. As a novice user I found the instructions which came with the tool to be ok. I would probably rate the instructions a 5 out of 10. With a tool like this, the learning curve is high. Kelton should probably include a 5 or 10 minute DVD with each set in my opinion....since the set cost $300 retail that would not reduce profit by much. (I realize there are other DVDs for this on the market).
There is a learning curve with this tool. I used the straight tool to core out 2 cones, which were 8" at the base. The cones were relatively small and I thought they were easy to produce. I fed the bit in slow and didn't have any catches.
On 2 other cores, I used the curved blades. On one core I used the blade with the greatest bend, and produced a core with fairly flat sides - somewhat of a "U" shape. This core produced the most problems. Since the sides were somewhat flat, the shavings did not fly out as easily. Instead the shavings tended to stick to the inner walls of the bowl from centrifugal force. I had to move the tool in and out a bunch to clear the shavings. Also in all the coring - I used a liberal and frequent dose of water with a squirt guy to lubricate the process.
In the 2nd of the "U" shaped cores I made a more shallow core. Since the shavings had a clearer exit route, this was an easier core to make.
On all 4 cores I was very careful to keep an eye on the path of the blade. This kept the blade from going thru the bottom - and it worked. Also I kept the blade held at the center, and I never dropped the handle. Overall the tool seems well designed. I'll use it in the months to come as new wood "appears" on my driveway!