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Quality of Delta Midi-lathe?

Apr 27, 2004
Williamsburg, VA
Any of my fellow turners have one of the Delta midi's? I am considering the purchase of one at a good price and have to wonder why there is so talk about this model? Any thoughts welcomed. Philip
Any of my fellow turners have one of the Delta midi's? I am considering the purchase of one at a good price and have to wonder why there is so talk about this model? Any thoughts welcomed. Philip
I have one, it was my first lathe...
I even managed to turn a well balanced 9 inch semi hollow form with it, so I have had nothing but success with it. I have moved on to a mustard monster, because of the features more than the swing.
If you already have a better lathe, I guess favor would depend on your intended use and your financial situation. If it's cheap enough, buy it, even if you just re-sell it into a better market, if you have some specific use for it or if you have decided to become a lathe collector, otherwise it wouldn't be what I would call a good deal.
Delta Midi

I have the Delta midi and have had no problems with it. Runs and runs and never even gets even warm. Also have the Rikon midi and the Delta runs rings around it. The rikon is loud and the bearings get hot.
My experience is that the differences in the Jet, Fische and Delta are pretty minor. Switch positions are different the Fisch has easier belt change.

The least expensive of the three is the one I recommend. they all are good quality machines. It is rare to find the delta for less than the Jet.

I have been to dozens of club demonstration events where the three lathes were available for use. I never once saw any turner ask to turn on one brand or the other.

happy turning,
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I've been watching all the mini's since they first came out. The Delta has been pretty good but not nearly as durable as the Jet. They all have their little quirks. If the Delta was the same price as a Jet I would not hesitate to buy the jet. If the Delta was really inexpensive I'd jump on it.
I bought the Delta a few years ago. It came with a set of miniature tools that I use a lot for the same price as the Jet. Everyone seems to think the Jet is a better machine, but our club has Jets and I can hardly tell the difference. The only issue I had with the Delta was the plastic handles used to lock down the tool rest, moter and live center. I found out from a previous AAW post that Delta replaces those with metal ones for free if you call 1-800-BAD-PART with your model# and serial number from the back of the lathe. Now it's working great. I don't think they are still selling them with plastic handles, but you might find one in the store that way still.
I own both( jet and delta), I use both. If the price is the same flip a coin. Otherwise, look to see what is bundled with the lathe: bed extension, chucks, stand, and or tools.

Happy turning and welcome to the vortex

Go for the Delta

I have the Delta Midi and love it. My club uses Jet midis. I have not had any problems turning the Jets either.

One thing I like about the Delta is that access to the belt and pulleys is from the front which makes belt changes easier. On the Jet the access is from the rear. Some may consider that a minor point.

As I'm sure you know Jet makes a variable speed model in addition to the 6 speed by belt change midi. Delta does not make a VS midi.

If you can get a good deal on the Delta, my advice is "buy it". I've never regretted my purchase.

Depends on the price

I started turning a little over a year and a half ago when I was given a new condition 46-700 (12" 3/4hp). I had bad runout issues, worn bearing housing, bearings replaced twice, and a bent spindle that Delta no longer sells. I also had problems with the reeves drive, which on the Delta machines is rather notorious. I bought a Jet Mini VS and consider it an upgrade. It will tide me over with quiet and accurate operation until I can afford an upgrade to a lathe with more capacity.

For the price I paid ($0) my Delta has been great, and don't get me wrong it turned out some pretty neat stuff for quite a while. Turning quality pieces became more difficult the more problems I had, not to mention the time repairs eat into chances to actually create something.

My $.02
I have a delta 14" 46-715 like Brodie. Complete junk machine to be totally honest. I learned a LOT with that lathe though and am glad I abused IT rather than a nicer machine. I went through LOTS of parts, spindle, bearnings, belts, pulleys, tool rest, rest extension. Its all made to self destruct. Terrible vibration, terrible castings.... nothing good to say!! ;) BUT Delta service is excellent! I tried to send it back and pay the diff for the bigger lathe. They preferred to just dump money into the thing. I now use an old rockwell lathe that actually has smaller swing (12") but at least it is smooth. I have delta bandsaw... 14". Same thing with this machine.... crap from china. I need to re-align everything every single time I change the height adjustment. I usually have to help it start by moving the blade. Waste of cash. I will never buy another delta product...ever. Much better off saving up a little more for something better.... or go for the higher end delta products. They seem better. Not sure about the mini but these experiences will make sure i never will. Sorry for such a downer reply but I wish I knew what I know now.. then!
I also had a 46-715. I think it is probably the worst of the worst lathes ever made. My hats off to anyone who had one of these without trouble.
In my case, I went through two in 5 months time. Fortunately I had bought mine from Redmond & Son Machinery - they offered a full refund when I told them that I wasn't especially anxious to continue the cycle of replacing lathe headstocks every 2.5 months.

I also had a Delta Midi. It was a fine machine - absolutely no problems. I sold it when I upgraded, but have kept in touch with the buyer. It is continuing to be a fine "first lathe"!
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I have never heard a good thing about the 46-715. Not one. I really wonder how they can keep making it. I suspect it is like most exercise equipment. It is purchased with good intentions and used for a month and ends up shoved in a corner somewhere.... the best place for it! ;)
It should be noted that the larger Delta with the Reeves drive folks are talking about is a completely different machine and should not be considered when discussing the midi. The Delta midi is a pulley/belt drive just like the Jet. It's a nice, solid little lathe and will do you quite well for a starter and for a lifetime secondary once you get your Stubby/Oneway/Robust/Powermatic/Nova.
