These are photos of prints of some of my work from 25 years ago.
More than half of these are my duplicates intermixed with originals. The job was done in white oak and I made each replacement in pieces tenoned together in two or three places depending on length. I found it interesting that the original samples I was provided were obviously hand turned. There were minor discrepancies from piece to piece, as I am sure there were with my duplicates. But, nobody examines a set of balusters the way they examine a bowl or a vessel when they pick it up.
More than half of these are my duplicates intermixed with originals. The job was done in white oak and I made each replacement in pieces tenoned together in two or three places depending on length. I found it interesting that the original samples I was provided were obviously hand turned. There were minor discrepancies from piece to piece, as I am sure there were with my duplicates. But, nobody examines a set of balusters the way they examine a bowl or a vessel when they pick it up.