The only one like you describe that I've seen lately is the Triton helmet, belt-pack set up at between $180 and $200. 3M used to make one, but last I heard they were being discontinued. There is another with everything built into the hat.
The belt-pac jobs are subject to what Bill Grumbine has dubbed "The Burrito Effect" so keep that in mind. However, all of these things are for dust only. There is no such unit that will function for organic vapors (burrito-produced or otherwise). For that you will need another properly rated mask and your use of solvent should be done only with a substantial amount of air change moving through your shop as well.
Remember also, since you're thinking of an "investment", that the respirator units are only effective while you have the faceplate engaged. If you take the thing off while still in your shop, you'll mostly negate having worn it because you will immediately be breathing the most dangerous of the fine dust that you can't see, but floats in your shop's air for hours. Some time ago I posed this very same question to my ENT doctor as I was having some sinus issues. He handed me one of his gauze masks, and said "save your money and spend it on a real dust collector and air cleaner." He explained that my entire shop would, in short order, be covered in a fine layer of the very dust I was trying to avoid, so unless I was into vacuum cleaning every item and square inch of surface twice a day with the exhaust vented to the outside, my running around with some elaborate mask thing was a total waste as far as breathing the stuff was concerned. I also mentioned to him that some woods that we turners use can cause allergies and reactions. He chuckled and commented that it I didn't have the sense to avoid such woods, there wasn't much he could do for me. He mentioned that he had treated people who ran afoul of tropicals like cocobolo and even domestic woods like walnut. His directions were always the same: "Remove the offending compound from the area, no wood is worth dying for."
I've followed his advice and have 6" of dust collection ports around my lathe, a JDS 750 air cleaner on the ceiling, and a 20" box fan with HEPA filters on the intake running in my shop. I've had no further hassles with the dusty shop, although I do wear those cheapy surgical masks when I'm sanding, and all my power sanders have dust pick-ups connected to the main system.
Almost all my finishing involving organic vapor solvents is done in my garage. (Why I've migrated to waterbornes) The only solvent-based stuff I use in the shop are shellac and Waterlox, and then only in small quantities.
I know several turners who have and use the helmet rigs and seem well pleased with them. It would seem, however, that you will need to go somewhere to try them on for your size issue resolution.
PS: Here's a link with several options to the Triton: